Dublin Nights Series Box Set: On the Edge & On the Line Page 28
“Adam?” She moved back in front of me, ignoring the fact that Holly and Les were standing on each side of us.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
The pad of my thumb slid across her bottom lip. “You think you’re in love with me?” I shook my head, narrowing my eyes on her as my hand slipped to her hip. “Think?!” A low rumble of laughter had escaped my mouth before I kissed her again.
Chapter Thirty-Three
“I’m gonna get into an accident.”
“Then keep your eyes on the road,” Anna said, and then laughed at me.
I gripped the steering wheel of my Porsche and scowled at her. “Why the hell did you wear a skirt with those boots? All I can think about is sliding my hand up beneath that thin material and pressing my fingers—”
“You better keep that hand of yours on the stick shift.” She faked a pout.
“Fine.” I wet my lips, stealing a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye. “But I need to relax a bit before we get to Galway. I was hoping later tonight we could do something involving you wearing nothing more than your cowboy boots.”
“As much as I’d like to spend every waking moment beneath the sheets with you—”
“Or in the shower. Or on the counter. Or . . .” I flashed her a grin, and my cock stiffened as I remembered all the places we’d made love in the last week.
I still couldn’t believe it had been only a week since I fought Frankie. Donovan was MIA, and the whole thing was starting to feel like a dream. Donovan was either hiding somewhere outside of Ireland, or someone had put him beneath the ground. To be honest, I didn’t give a feck. As long as he was gone from my life he couldn’t hurt Anna or the kids.
“I heard Galway’s a charming place. Maybe we can have a fun getaway here sometime, but I’m thinking tonight won’t be the most romantic of evenings.”
She had a point, but I wasn’t in the mood to face the reality of what I was about to do. Not yet, at least.
My pulse quickened as her bright green eyes roped me in, which wasn’t the best idea as I was beginning to drift into oncoming traffic.
“Are you sure this is what you want? I know I suggested it, but—”
“You’re right about going. It’s time I do this.” I scratched at the stubble on my jaw and continued to drive. Anna leaned back and shut her eyes, and I allowed the silence to eat the air between us until the GPS alerted me that I’d arrived at my destination. “What’s this?” I slowed, looking at the sign on the building before us. It read “MMA Training Center.”
“Why would Owen live above a gym? It can’t be easy for him to be around fighting,” Anna commented as she stared at the building.
“Damn. I don’t know.” I had a bad feeling in my gut, and I was wondering if maybe I shouldn’t get out of the car.
I hadn’t even heard her exit the Porsche; I must’ve been in a fog because she was now standing outside my door. “Come on,” she said through the window, tapping on it with her fist.
I raised my hands in submission. “Okay,” I mouthed.
As she secured the straps of her long coat, which covered the bare skin of her legs just above her boots, I noticed that she was shaking. I didn’t think it was from the cold. “Are you okay?”
“I think so.” I could see the movement in her throat as she swallowed. “You think the place is open on a Saturday? Only two cars in the parking lot.”
“We’ll see.” We walked to the building and a slow roll of fear moved through me. Would I be able to face him again? Could I look him in the eyes in a wheelchair, knowing I’d put him there?
“I don’t know if I can do this.” My hand hovered in front of the door.
Anna’s fingers rested on my forearm. “You’re the strongest man I know, Adam. So yes, you can do this.”
Her hand moved down my arm and covered mine as I gripped the door handle now. We opened it together and then I took a step back, allowing her entrance first.
“Guess it’s open,” she said as she went in.
I nodded and followed after her. The bright lights of the gym had me squinting, and I looked around, only finding two people sparring on a mat off to my right.
Then I saw him.
“What—” My heart was about to obliterate my insides as I stood stupidly, gawking at Owen as he moved toward us. He looked as shocked as me. His eyes round. His mouth parted. “That’s—that’s him.”
“Oh my God,” she whispered.
“Adam McGregor?” Owen looked the same as he had five years ago. Except this time, he wasn’t lying in a hospital bed. This time, he was standing right in front of me.
It didn’t make any bleeding sense.
“You’re walking.” I took a step back, needing more space to process what I was seeing.
“I’d hope so, but what the hell are ya doing here?” Owen folded his arms and looked at Anna then back at me.
I blinked a few times. “I’m a bit out of sorts right now,” I finally said.
“Do you want to sit?” Instead of waiting for my response, since apparently, I was unable to formulate sentences, Owen waved to the seats outside one of the room’s many fighting rings. He took two big strides and pulled a chair around for Anna.
Anna sat and then looked up at me. “Sit, Adam.”
I scratched the back of my head and finally sank into the black folding chair. “You’re supposed to be paralyzed.” I raised a fist to my mouth, tapping at my lips. “I came here to apologize like I should have done five years ago, and—wow.” I was going to lose my damn mind right now.
Owen straddled a chair and nodded. “The doctors weren’t sure if I’d walk again. These things aren’t set in stone.”
I was shaking my head. “My folks said you were—”
“Then they lied to you,” he said.
My hand fell to my lap, and Anna reached over and squeezed it.
“When your folks came to visit me they discovered I was getting better. They offered me a hell of a lot of money to get out of Dublin and never talk to you again. I don’t know why they wanted you to think that I was paralyzed.” He shrugged. “But as far as I’m concerned, I willingly stepped into that ring with you, knowing goddamn well you were in a whole other league. I shouldn’t have done it, and that’s on me. Not you.” He swiped a hand across his mouth as his brows pulled together. “It worked out well for me, though. I’ve been running this gym for the last few years, and I’m happy.”
Anna’s voice arrested my attention. “Yeah?”
“Are you okay?” she asked.
I stood up and went over to the fighting ring behind us. I rested my elbows over the rope and clasped my hands. My eyes shut, searching through the different emotions that funneled through me all at once.
I’d been killing myself for five years, and he was okay?
Anna’s hand touched my back, and I released a deep breath. “All this time . . .” If Anna hadn’t encouraged me to visit Owen, to try and move on—I may have never known the truth. Jesus.
I opened my eyes and turned to face her, reaching for her hand, lacing my fingers with hers. I kept quiet for a few minutes.
It was overwhelming.
I released Anna’s hand and faced Owen. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t need to say anything, man,” Owen responded.
At the moment, I didn’t think I could say anything else. I nodded and walked away.
“Adam!” Anna called out.
The sunlight met my face as I pushed open the door. I tipped my chin up, absorbing the rays, sucking in a deep, cold breath.
“Are you okay?” She came around in front of me, her hands going to my chest.
I grabbed hold of her wrists and stared into her beautiful eyes. “I’m really feckin’ confused.”
“I can’t imagine how you must feel.”
I released my grip on her and cupped the back of my neck
, working at the tension there. “He’s really okay?” I squinted at her.
“Yeah . . .”
I sat on the curb outside the gym and pressed my face to my palms. I wasn’t much of a crier but damned if I didn’t want to let loose right now.
A huge fecking weight had been lifted from my chest.
“How are you feeling?” she asked after a few quiet moments.
“How am I feeling?” I looked down at the gravel beneath my shoes and kicked at the loose stones there. “Shit . . . I’m both pissed and thankful.”
“Thankful?” She sank next to me, her hand traveling up to my cheek.
“If my parents hadn’t lied to me about Owen being paralyzed, I’d probably never have stopped fighting. And maybe I would have ended up killing someone. Maybe myself.” I reached for her hand and clasped it tight. “I may have never met you, either.”
As much as I wanted to raise hell with my folks, I knew that parents did crazy things to protect their kids. And although I’d hated the guilt that had eaten away at me for all those years—hell, I had hated myself—I was pretty sure they had saved my life.
I lowered my head, feeling so damn light right now, so fresh. “I really feckin’ love you.”
She laughed. “I don’t think the words feck and love go all that well together.”
I grinned at her. “Hm. I sure as hell think they do.”
“You have such a dirty mouth,” she said, wetting her lips.
“Oh, Anna, I plan on using that mouth all over you tonight.”
She raised a brow. “Promise?”
Chapter Thirty-Four
“I’m nervous.” I stood in Adam’s bathroom, eying my red silk dress.
Adam came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. His blue eyes captured mine. “You don’t need to be nervous.”
“No.” He pinched his brows together. “They love you. And if they didn’t, I’d knock them out.”
“Sure, of course you’d beat up your parents and siblings.” I faked a laugh. “But you know that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried they’ll reject our idea.” I pouted, my eyes going back to my reflection.
“They won’t.” He cupped my chin. “You’re so beautiful, Anna.”
I released a breath, trying to calm my nerves. “Stop trying to distract me.”
He shook his head. “They’ll agree to the plan. Besides, how could they say no in front of all the kids?” He grinned at me. “Manipulation at its finest.”
I opened my mouth wide. “You invited the kids?” I tried to turn around to face him, but he held me tighter, pressing up against my back. I braced the counter, my pulse elevating.
His fingers glided over my collarbone before slipping down the V of my dress and then tickled beneath my lace bra.
“Of course I invited them. I wanted them to be the first to hear the good news,” he said, pinching my nipple.
I tilted my head back and reached behind me, hooking my arm around his neck as I closed my eyes. He palmed my breast as his other hand bunched up the material of my dress and gained access to my leg. He held me firm, hardening against me, and I clenched my legs as his finger deftly moved under my panties.
“Jesus,” he said into my ear, his breath giving me goose bumps. “You’re so wet.”
“Stop. We’ll be late.” My voice was weak from his touch.
His fingers slid into me, and my hips jerked forward, pressing against the marble bathroom counter. I opened my eyes as he released my breast and swept the hair off my neck. He blazed a trail of kisses down the side of my throat, and my entire body trembled with need.
I’d never grow tired of being near him. I loved looking at him in a suit or in his workout clothes. I loved to see him interacting with the kids. He was at his sexiest when he didn’t think anyone was paying attention to him. Little did he know that, from the moment I’d laid eyes on him, I couldn’t do anything BUT pay attention to him.
“Adam.” His name was a moan from my mouth.
“Yes, love?” He looked up at me, and our eyes met in the mirror. I squirmed as his hand continued to torture me beneath my dress.
“We really should go. Your mother will be the—there . . .” My hands curled into fists on the counter as Adam continued to drive me wild.
“Uh huh. You were saying?” His smile spread to his eyes.
“You’re in so much trouble.” I shut my eyes, and my knees snapped together as I dropped my head forward, my body trembling as I orgasmed.
“Are you relaxed now, love? No longer nervous?”
Oh, sure. My legs were rubber, and now I smelled like sex.
He allowed the fabric of my dress to fall back in place before his hands slid down to my hips.
“I’m so gonna get you back for that,” I teased.
He arched a brow and winked at me. “I’m counting on it.”
I laughed a little, realizing I did feel a little more at ease.
But when we arrived at the center, and I laid eyes on Adam’s parents, my heart lodged back up in my throat, and my palms grew sweaty all over again.
Adam leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Need me to loosen you up again?”
I elbowed him in the ribs and shot him a scathing look. “Your mother is right over there.” My cheeks warmed, embarrassed. “Ugh. Let’s make the pitch.”
I’d met Adam’s parents last weekend at their family estate—which was large enough to rival the White House—and he’d introduced me as his girlfriend. I had been expecting it to be an incredibly awkward meeting, but his parents had been rather nice. Maybe it was because Adam had told them he’d learned the truth about Owen only the day before, and they had no choice but to be sweeter than pie to make amends.
I went to the center of the room and approached the podium, taking note of the guests. Almost all of the kids were there, and some of their parents. Adam’s parents, his sister, Holly, and his brothers Sean and Ethan were milling about the room, talking with the kids and their families. I’d also invited Kate, Rick, Narisa, and Craig. I’d officially stopped working at the company two weeks ago, so Adam had let me in on the secret of which two interns would win company positions. I was so thrilled for Rick and Narisa—I couldn’t wait until they knew, and then we’d all celebrate together.
“I forgot to tell you one thing,” Adam said as he patted me on the back right before I was to address the audience.
“Yeah?” My heart was going to explode in my chest.
“I already presented your idea to the board, and they approved it. This is actually just an announcement for the kids.”
“What?” I gasped.
Adam was beaming at me, and I wasn’t sure what to do or say. “Go ahead. Tell them.”
It took me a minute to gather my thoughts. Adam took a few steps back and shoved his hands into his black slacks pockets, looking as casually sexy as ever.
“Can I have everyone’s attention?” I tried to maintain confidence. I was twenty-four, but for the first time, I felt like an adult. I was in the real world, embarking on a new journey with a man at my side—not in front of me, but next to me. It was an entirely new feeling.
Chloe, Conor, Jenna, and the others came up close. Holly bent her head and winked at me—like brother, like sister. I spotted Abby there, as well. Adam had received permission from the rehab facility to escort her for the evening.
“Thank you all for coming to the party tonight. It’s been my honor and privilege to get to know everyone at the center. From the kids and the volunteers to the members of the McGregor Foundation that help make this place possible . . . I was a guest here, but I was never happy about that.” My fingers tapped against my outer thighs as my nerves tangled into knots. “You see,” I said, looking at Chloe, “a guest is temporary.” I smiled. “And I want to be permanent.”
/> Chloe’s eyes widened, and she took an anxious step forward.
“I’d like to continue working at the McGregor Foundation from here on out. I’ll be taking an active role in community outreach, particularly with this center.” I cleared my throat. “If you’ll have me.”
“So you’re staying in Dublin? Forever?” Chloe shouted.
“Is that okay with you?” I asked.
She nodded and closed the gap between us, flinging her arms around me.
“And we’ll be adding horseback riding to our list of regular activities now, right?” she asked as we pulled away from each other. A smile beamed over her face.
“Of course. I’ve already spoken with Marie at the farm. She’s expecting us all to show up when they open again.”
“Yes!” Chloe shot her arm up in the air.
Adam came up next to me and patted her on the shoulder.
Chloe looked up at Adam. “Thanks for keeping Anna,” she said.
He laughed. “You’re very welcome. There’s no way I’d ever let her go.” His gaze shifted to my face.
“Congrats, love. You were amazing, and you looked stunning up there.” He slid his hand to the small of my back, and my skin pebbled beneath his touch. “There are a few other members of the board you should meet.”
I smiled and allowed him to take my hand and guide me around the room.
An hour later, we’d made small talk with so many people that their names and faces were all blurs in my mind.
“Thank you,” I said wearily.
“Why are you thanking me?” We had stepped out of the party to get some fresh air.
I looked up into the dark sky as clouds pooled above our heads, threatening rain. “For giving me this opportunity. For letting me do something I love.” A raindrop met my lips, and I instinctively touched my tongue to it. “But I’m worried you aren’t doing what makes you happy.”
“You mean fighting?” He touched my cheek with the back of his hand, warming me against the cool night air.